Wednesday, June 9, 2010

About Sophia

Sophia is over fifty. Not a lot over, but enough that she's started to get used to it. She no longer wears miniskirts, no longer expects to be carded, no longer bemoans the fact that her waistline isn't 23 1/2 inches anymore. And, um, hasn't been for awhile. Sophia still looks good for her age, and no one suspects that she was born when Eisenhower was president. She doesn't remember him, but she assumes he was out playing golf on the sunny California day when baby Sophia first greeted a world that seemed to be populated exclusively by white people who drove American cars and drank martinis after work.

Sophia is glad that the world isn't like that anymore. She's sad that a fair number of people her own age are not glad, however. Sophia's politics are a little bit left of center. They used to be so far left that the center wasn't even visible with binoculars.

But that was some time ago, when she was a wild college girl with Passions. She still has Passions, mind you, but they are smaller and quieter than they used to be.

Sophia is married to a Younger Man. He is not her first spouse, but he is the only one with whom she deigned to reproduce. She has one wonderful child, hatched from the last good egg in her circa 1956 fridge. She is glad she got the chance, at the eleventh hour, to bring this amazing being into the world. This, she thinks, is proof that Grace exists.

Sophia is mostly happy, but she doesn't have a lot of people to whom she can vent about the peculiar problems, questions, anxieties facing her at this odd time of life. Hence this blog.

Sophia will not always write in the third person. But she occasionally has the odd experience of facing a mirror that reflects a stranger. Where, she thinks (for a fleeting moment) is the Hot Babe who used to live in that Looking Glass World? Why has she been replaced by this Moderately Attractive Older Woman?

Because Sophia sometimes feels alienated from her True Self, she will, on those days, pretend she's an omniscient narrator of her own life. It's kind of liberating. In fact, you should try it.

Sophia is happy to entertain comments on this blog, but she will have to moderate them. Because she has another blog, and knows how pervasive the Evil of Comment Spam is, and because she's a bit of a control freak. Rudeness will not be tolerated, but disagreement certainly will be. Sophia is feisty, and loves a heated discussion, provided it Doesn't Get Mean.

Sophia will be back soon, with more of her thoughts on being over fifty.

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